School Dinners
Our school dinners are cooked on site. Parents/carers are encouraged to pay half termly in advance if at all possible. Otherwise dinner money can be collected on a weekly basis every Monday morning.
- Dinners cost
Primary Meal: £2.80 Secondary Meal: £3.10
Pupils sit with class and midday staff who serve food and supervise eating, assisting where appropriate.
For all pupils we place great emphasis on teaching table manners and appropriate behaviour at lunchtimes.
- Pupils can bring their own packed lunch. Some pupils may require special diets and we are happy to make individual arrangements where necessary.
Free School Meals
Parents/carers may be eligible to claim free school meals. It is easy to apply and you can apply online by visiting Free School Meals Application.
Alternatively you can ask at the reception office and they will provide you with an application form to complete. On return of the completed form, parents will be contacted to advise on eligibility.